Poco a Poco

Poco a Poco San Pedro helps the residents of the indigenous towns and villages near San Pedro Itzican and Mezcala, sponsoring a number of programs for the families. In conjunction with Lakeside Foodbank, lunches are provided for 740 vulnerable children five days a week cooked by local volunteers. A new program is underway to create a community garden, increasing the opportunity for families to become more self- sufficient. Come see what is happening in these villages and how you can be a part of connecting with these wonderful families.

This presentation is about a collaborative program between Poco a Poco San Pedro Itzican and FoodBank Lakeside called Cocinas Para Ninos (Kids Kitchens). The program serves meals Monday through Friday to over 700 children living in the indigenous villages east of Chapala. Kids Kitchens was started about 4 years ago to begin to combat widespread malnutrition among children in the villages. The program has special significance because malnutrition is linked to the kidney disease of unknown origin that is widespread among children in these villages. In addition to presenting information about the history of the program, its rapid growth and current status, a video will be shown about the Kids Kitchen program and the next step which is to begin to provide resources and support to the villages to grow their own food.

Patricia Moran started the Kids Kitchen program as a volunteer with Poco a Poco San Pedro Itzican. She is a retired university professor who has lived in Ajijic for four years. She brings to her volunteer efforts Lakeside many years of experience working in villages in south India. She currently serves on the Leadership Teams of both Poco a Poco San Pedro Itzican and Foodbank Lakeside.

This is a link to a video about Kids Kitchens and the effort to begin to grow food in the villages.


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Patricia Moran

Patricia Moran

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