Win as Much as You Can

Today you will be playing a game with a team of about 5 people, trying to solve a puzzle of sorts.

The instructions will be intentionally ambiguous (a bit vague) although at the end all will be revealed.

It will require some standing up and small group discussion of your team’s strategy in order to solve this.

No personal information will be discussed or revealed during the game but you might end up discovering some new things about yourself at the end.

Please bring glasses if you need them (so you can read the instructions), and a pen or pencil.

If you wish to attend and observe, but not participate please consider sitting in the Gazebo.

Take a risk and have fun.

Meet the speaker

Richard Diehl

Richard Diehl

Ph.D., M.Ed., L.Ac., former SUNY faculty. Taught Neurolinguistic Programming globally, practiced as Naturopath & Acupuncturist till retirement.
See speaker profile

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