LCS AGM & Future Planning
As two of the leaders of LCS, we would like to offer you some insights of the upcoming Annual General Meeting and solicit your thoughts. The focus will be on where we are heading. This is your opportunity to offer your thoughts on anything Lake Chapala Society.
People may not be aware that over 1,000 people per week visit LCS, and there are approximately 100 activities that take place in and around LCS. Few could name them all. Steve is in his last year as President of the Board and this marks the 2 year anniversary since Luis started as the Executive Director.
At last year’s AGM Steve charged the Board of Directors and Senior Management with 5 priority goals. We knew at the time this would be a two year plan as there was a lot of ground work to be done. As we strive to remain accessible, transparent, and accountable, we are providing this update regarding our vital work and accomplishments. But more so, we are looking for your thoughts and recommendations on how we move forward on these 5 priorities:
Customer Service Focus
Upgraded Technology
Community Collaborations
Community Visibility
Taking Care of What We Have
The related Committees of the Board will have special presentations that will be part of this years’ March 14 Annual General Meeting. In preparation for this AGM, we would like to solicit your input and involvement, and share where we are now and hear first-hand from our constituents on your thoughts for moving forward.