Is it possible to learn to love? Certainly important to ourselves, our community, and our world. Presenter Gregory Kemp will outline the five levels of love; the Spectrum of Love and its opposites; read mystical poetry from Rumi and Hafiz; discuss falling in love, heartbreak, and grief; yearning for an unknown better; and the practical application of love in the world. I have resided in Ajijic with my wife, Alicia, since November of 2023 and before that we lived in the central highlands of Guatemala for 13 years. We co-founded Project Somos ( It was a project that responded to the question, “what would Love do?” to assist indigenous children and families living in dire poverty. In my youth, I was trained in Kundalini Yoga, became a Mevlevi Dervish (whirling dervish), and later a pastor of the Essentialist Church of Christ. I have been an active student of Love for most of my life. My only religion is Love.