Dr Benjamin Franklin returns to 1775
On March 27 we welcome Dr. Benjamin Franklin back to Open Circle. We ask you to turn your imagination back to June 1775. You are citizens of Philadelphia. The city is alive with talk of war in New England.
Dr. Franklin has called Philadelphia home for more than half a century. During his tenure here he built a profitable printing business, performed famous electrical experiments, authored Poor Richard’s Almanac, and he has been the driving force behind many of our civic improvements.
For 15 of the last 17 years, Dr. Franklin has represented our colony in London attempting to find common ground with our proprietors and the British Kings. Since his return six weeks ago, he has remained silent as he served us in the Continental Congress. Today, Dr. Franklin is breaking his silence to tell you how three tyrants have shaped his life. He is going to explain how this moment marks a crossroad in history. This is the time to choose between our current system of government or to take a new, independent path.
Steven Nousen appears as Franklin. He has performed this role in numerous venues across the United States including the Library of Congress and the National Geographic Society.