LCS AGM and Future Planning 

As two of the leaders of LCS, we would like to offer you some insights of the upcoming Annual General Meeting and solicit your thoughts. The focus will be on where we were pre-Covid, where we have been during Covid and where we are heading. This is your opportunity to offer your thoughts on anything Lake Chapala Society.

People may not be aware that over 1,000 people per week visit LCS, and there are approximately 100 activities that take place in and around LCS each week. Larry Serves as the Chair of the Campus Committee of the Board and Steve as the President. The board has been extremely busy for the past 726 days during Covid.

Prior to the impact of Covid, the Board of Directors unanimously approved an ambitious Long-Range Strategic Plan to help guide the work of the organization over the next ten years. This plan was initially presented to the AGM in 2019. While Covid may have caused a need to reset some of the goal timelines, the plan is still our Northern Light to keep us on course.

As we strive to remain accessible, transparent, and accountable, we are providing regular updates regarding our vital work and accomplishments. These updates have been presented at each AGM since the plan was passed and we are publishing articles in our monthly Conecciones magazine as well. We have special presentations that will be part of this years, March 15 Annual General Meeting. In preparation for this AGM, we would like to solicit your input and involvement and share where we are now.

Meet the speaker

Steve Balfour

Steve Balfour

See speaker profile

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