Are You Who You Think You Are?
Various therapists and teachers question if who we are is fully authentic, or rather that personality is largely a compensation for perceived childhood stresses. This fast paced, data dense talk will cover several models of personality types.
As Alfred Korzybski (creator of the discipline of General Semantics) stated “The map is not the territory “. The word (our self-story) is never a complete map. Therefore, the more maps of reality we can understand and incorporate, the more accurate and complete is our understanding of ourselves. Come with an open mind and curiosity to know yourself better.
Possible topics include: Enneagram (world’s oldest typing system), Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Values Scale, Virginia Satir’s categories, DSM 5 psychiatric disorders.
Richard Diehl Ph.D. M.Ed. L.Ac. Was a faculty member at State University of NY. His classes included “Psychophysical Systems”. He is also a (retired) Traditional Naturopath, Acupuncturist, International NLP trainer and more.
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