Open Circle Ajijic History on its 30 Anniversary

Open Circle, the largest and longest-running expat-led lecture series in Mexico, has a reputation that has spread far beyond Jalisco. The program is today one of the Lake Chapala Society’s signature activities.
First organized in 1995 by Joan and Roy Forman as New Dimensions, it was held in their home every Sunday morning and emphasized spirituality and various aspects of Buddhism, Sufism and Christianity. In 2001, it changed its name to Open Circle and moved to other homes and restaurants.
In the early 2000’s Marianne and Michael Warren approached LCS to see if the organization could utilize the Neill James patio area and a rental agreement was drawn up. For several years Marianne Warren, Hilary Stewardson, Derek Firth and Jim Spivey coordinated the weekly programs until, in 2011, Jim Spivey assumed total responsibility for the event. In 2015, when poor health dictated he could no longer continue, things changed again and Jim passed the reins over to David Bryen and Margaret van Every, both regular attendees and supporters.

David (who passed in 2024) and Margaret have long been part of the fabric of Lakeside, both being published writers and Margaret also an accomplished musician. They wanted to free the event from the restrictive rules it operated under and open it up to the community. To do this, they immediately established the Open Circle Steering Committee and asked for volunteers.
The Steering Committee asked for input from the Open Circle audience, which resulted in the original spiritual/metaphysical focus of the program expanding to include more art, music, science, psychology, natural history, health, and Mexican history. A revised mission statement was adopted.
“Open Circle provides a supportive environment to gather for social interaction and to improve our understanding of ourselves, our community and our world. Presentations span a wide range of intellectual, cultural, physical and spiritual topics. We do not necessarily agree with the ideas and philosophies of our presenters. We encourage you to listen with an open mind and form your own opinions.”
A coordinating committee continues today under the leadership of the program’s dedicated moderators and the LCS board. Operating 52 weeks a year, the series has produced so many memorable (and often poignant) celebrations of Lakeside living.
In 2019 the “Mexican Grace” program for which nine members of the OC audience pre-auditioned and subsequently presented a 5-minute story of moments when they experienced an example of Mexican grace. The program’s highlight was when a group of Mexican senior citizens in full traditional regalia danced for the attendees, who in turn lifted Tequila-filled shot glasses and toasted Mexico. In 2024 live performances by area musicians and dancers were big draws. In 2025 Open Circle devoted a full day to the legacy of LCS benefactor Ms. Neill James. It drew hundreds of attendees.
Large crowds have also turned out to hear Open Circle’s most popular presenters, including Loretta Downs, Dr. David Truly, Dr. Donald Aitken and Dr. Todd Stong, presenting on topics ranging from end-of-life to Mexico migration, to climate change, and the health of Lake Chapala.
Coming out of COVID, David and Margaret decided it was time to pass the torch yet again, and the Steering Committee in turn realized that it was time to find a new organization to carry the event forward. So it is that LCS, welcomed Open Circle under its umbrella when its doors re-open.
The entire Lakeside community (Mexicans and foreign-born) are grateful for the work the steering committee has done and are looking forward to continuing the tradition of Open Circle and maintaining both the spirit and the energy that has made this weekly event such a unique and quality forum. Since COVID, weekly sessions have been video recorded and can be viewed on Youtube.
NOTE: There is a plaque commemorating Marianne Warren near the Open Circle stage. Not only was she instrumental in getting Open Circle started, she also organized and gave lectures, including the Neill James lecture series. A memorial to Donald Aitken is also adjacent to the stage.
(Special thanks to Rachel McMillen for research content; updated March, 2025)

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