Presentation Guidelines
Interested in being a presenter at Open Circle Ajijic?
Open Circle Ajijic typically presents 50 unique topics over 12 months. We are constantly seeking presenters who embrace the Open Circle Mission Statement. We appreciate your taking the time to prepare and give your presentation. We will work with you to make your experience as enjoyable as possible. We strongly urge all prospective presenters to attend at least one Open Circle gathering before committing to speak here.
Open Circle is interested in a wide range of presenter subjects, including those dealing with intellectual, cultural, physical, and spiritual content. Of interest also are presentations relating to Mexican history, Mexican culture, the environment, the arts, and science. In general, we aim to improve our understanding of ourselves, our community, and our world. Presentations take place “open air” on Sundays from 10:30a-11:45a at the Neill James Patio on the Lake Chapala Society campus in downtown Ajijic.
A typical presentation will last up to 40-45 minutes, with a moderated 10-15 minute Q&A session to follow your talk. While “reading” from a script is discouraged, many presenters prepare a “targeted” 2,500-word count script for their talks. Audio-visual materials can be incorporated, bearing in mind the following:
Audio: we have full sound capabilities to broadcast to the audience any music or recorded voice enhancements to your presentation. This can be coordinated the day of your presentation.
Video: our start time (10:30a) and bright sunny mornings preclude the use of standard projection of most images and/or PowerPoint slides. Discuss your needs with the Open Circle Coordinators to explore other options.
Display Materials: we have limited space behind the presenter podium for posters and banners. A flip chart can be made available with advance notice.
Presentations are in English, however, Open Circle Ajijic is exploring simultaneous translation options as a way to expand our audience, community engagement, and range of presenters. If English is not your primary language, we encourage you to connect with the Coordinators to explore accommodations.
To request an opportunity to speak at Open Circle, please submit a brief description of what you want to talk about and your qualifications to do so using this website. Your proposal will be evaluated by our Open Circle Ajijic Coordinators. If your talk conforms to the Open Circle Ajijic Mission Statement [see below], you will be contacted to offer you a slot on our calendar. The waiting period can be (in some cases) months, however, we also need to occasionally fill vacant slots with shorter waiting times.
If you have more information for our audience than you can squeeze into your talk, we encourage you to obtain permission to place that information on a Neill James Patio table on the day of your event. Postings can include announcements of events, where to obtain more information on the topic, where merchandise can be acquired, where donations can be made, and sign-up sheets for those interested in staying in touch with the presenter. In addition, you may pass out learning aids pertaining to the presentation before the program, though such handouts must not contain direct sales solicitation or advertising. Open Circle discourages presenters from selling, soliciting, or engaging in merchandising on LCS grounds on the day of your presentation. Business cards may be distributed to interested individuals following your presentation.
The morning of your presentation, please observe the following:
- Arrive by 10:00 a.m. and check in at our sound table for instructions. Then you are welcome to join us for coffee and conversation until 10:20.
- At 10:20 or before, our sound technician will equip you with a cordless microphone headset.
- Presentations start at 10:30 with preliminaries to the program done by our event moderator. Your presentation will typically begin by 10:45 a.m. and end at 11:30 a.m.
- Time your presentation so that it is at least 35 minutes in length, allowing for the 10-minute Q&A session to follow. If you do not wish for Q&A, you must plan to speak for 45 minutes. Please tell the moderator if this is the case so she can give you a 10- and a 5-minute signal to indicate the time remaining for your talk.
Open Circle Ajijic Mission Statement

- Open Circle provides a supportive environment to gather for social interaction and to improve our understanding of ourselves, our community and our world.
- Presentations span a wide range of intellectual, cultural, physical and spiritual topics.
- We do not necessarily agree with the ideas and philosophies of our presenters. We encourage you to listen with an open mind and form your own opinions.
Open Circle Video Consent
As a service to our audience and presenters, Open Circle Ajijic will video-record your presentation and upload it unedited on Open Circle’s YouTube channel and our website Open Circle Ajijic agrees not to seek remuneration from anyone viewing the video of your presentation. If you do not want your presentation to be recorded and uploaded to YouTube, please make that known in your initial presentation proposal. It is agreed that the copyright to the content of the presentation remains with the presenter, while Open Circle Ajijic owns the video of the presentation.